Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

What is the IEC fee for approving a project?

Please refer to the “Application fee” section under the How to Apply?’ tab or click here

Is GST included in the IEC fee?

18% GST is not included, and it should be paid over and above the IEC base fee.

In whose name should the cheque be drawn for payment of IEC fee?

The details on the payment method will be shared with the applicant through an email once the applicant has submitted all the relevant documents.

Are expedited meetings conducted and what are the charges?

Expedited meetings are conducted and the applicants are charged 25% more than the base IEC fee. Please click How to Apply?’ tab or click here to see the details.

What is the list of documents required for initial submission?

Please refer to the “List of documents required” section under the How to Apply?’ tab or click here

How long does it take for IEC approval?

It takes two-three weeks after the IEC meeting to get an approval letter.

Is there any archival facility and what are the charges?

The archival facility is not available as of now.

Are you able to provide IEC approval for any kind of research work?

IEC approval will be provided to all kind of research proposals/studies (invasive, non-invasive and other studies involving human participants).

What kind of applications does Tech4Health Foundation's ethics committee accept?

Tech4Health Foundation’s researchers and independent researchers who have no institutional attachments can use the services of Tech4Health Foundation’s for reviewal of their research proposals. The Tech4Health Foundation’s IEC will not accept research proposals from investigators affiliated to institutions that have their own IECs unless there is a MoU.